Leading the Field Since 1999
An important aspect of today’s understanding of Ethics concerns issues of individual and social responsibility with regard to the impact of our choices in light of the influence of science and technology. While information and communication technologies open doors to new technological and scientific possibilities, they also act as a catalyst to an unprecedented encounter with otherness, ensuring through digital mediums the en masse collision of hitherto closed ethical systems and cultural worldviews.
~ Rafael Capurro
About us
The International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) is an academic community dedicated to the advancement of the field of information ethics. It offers a platform for an intercultural exchange of ideas and information regarding worldwide teaching and research in the field. ICIE provides an opportunity for community and for collaboration between colleagues practicing and teaching in the field. It provides news regarding ongoing activities by various organizations involved in the shared goals of information ethics. ICIE has organized and co-organised symposia since 2001 and publishes a book series in cooperation with W. Fink Verlag, Munich-Paderborn (Germany). ICIE has published the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) quarterly since 2004. Participation and membership in the community is free of charge. The success of the ICIE community is dependent on the efforts and participation of those involved in its formation and continual growth. It is through the sharing of related interests and knowledge with others that ICIE thrives.
ICIE History
ICIE seeks leadership and excellence in all aspects of the Information Ethics discipline, including research, teaching, advocacy, and practice. Supporting seven global-wide chapters, ICIE provides resources for, and encourages the growth of information literacies and digital cultures throughout the world.
Pursuant to its mission, ICIE actively seeks partnerships with relevant individuals, institutions, societies and communities in the information fields. It advocates for and supports the growth of healthy and informed information cultures in the digital age, providing a centralized forum for sharing and communication in the field.
I ~ Affirm the current parameters of the field of Information Ethics (IE).
Using a community-led philosophy, the ICIE Advisory Board will preside over a community forum discussion towards the reaffirmation of the parameters and prerogatives of the field of information ethics as the field stands in 2018. Acknowledging its historically defined origins and looking to its current iterations, the ICIE community will consider the evolution of the field, seeking to recognize its broader aspects but identifying core focal points as currently applicable. Thus, establishing a set of parameters for the field, ICIE will revisit the definition of the field annually, updating as necessary, aspects of the field once per year. These definitions will be disclosed on the ICIE website and connected to annual output. All themes and focal areas will be discussed and confirmed by the members of the ICIE Advisory Board.
II ~ Establish foundational partnerships with regional IE communities in BRICS nations.
ICIE will reaffirm or establish foundational partnerships with existing Information Ethics communities from BRICS countries, forming partnerships where none exist, or strengthening currently existing partnerships within Brazilian, Russian, Chinese and Indian Information Ethics communities. ICIE will affirm representatives from each BRICS country and establish said representatives under the corresponding ICIE regional Chapter Head. Chapter Heads, along with their ICIE BRICS representatives, will work together to establish ongoing regional goals and objectives for the BRICS countries of ICIE.
III ~ Publish a special edition of IRIE outlining the current parameters of the field of IE.
Leading from community forum discussions outlining the parameters of the field of Information Ethics (IE), as established above, ICIE will publish, in accordance with the guidelines of its journal the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE), a special edition on the origins and evolutions of the field of Information Ethics. The special edition of IRIE will seek to address the evolution of the field of Information Ethics and its current state, looking at possibilities for a taxonomy for the field. It will serve to formalize the ICIE forum community discussions into scholarly articles addressing the following concerns and aspects:
- How do practitioners and academics define the field of IE in 2018?
- What are the main categories of IE: past, present and future?
- Is a taxonomy of the field possible or even desirable?
- How does the history of the field of IE inform its evolution?
- How do classical information theories inform the field of IE?
- What is the concept of information as understood among different cultures?
- How do historical approaches to the concept of information influence the field?
- How can IE practitioners utilize IE scholarship to establish grassroots community initiatives?
- How best can IE research be applied to help information cultures flourish around the world?
Rafael Capurro
Rafael Capurro is a Uruguayan philosopher and pioneer of the field of information ethics.
Jared Bielby
Executive Director
Jared Bielby is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Freelance Netizen and President of Netizen Consulting Ltd.
Marco Schneider
Researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT), Professor at the Post Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI IBICT UFRJ) and at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF).
Arthur Bezerra
Researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) and professor at the Post-Graduate Program in Information Science (PPGCI IBICT UFRJ)
Rachel Fischer
Co-Founder, Researcher and Ethics Practitioner at 3Consulting.
Ariel Morán
Postdoctoral Researcher in Institute of Research on the University and the Education (IISUE) and Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Maximiliano Rodrigues – Fleitas
Teaching in the Master's Degree in Information and Communication at the Faculty of Information and Communication (FIC) of the University of the Republic, Uruguay.
Esteban Zunino
Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and professor at the National University of Cuyo.
Ana Regina Rêgo
Coordinator of the National Network to Combat Disinformation (RNCD) in Brazil and the Journalism and Communication Research Center (NUJOC) at the Federal University of Piauí.
Luciane Beckman Cavalcante
Professor in the Library Science Department at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Information Science at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (PPGCI/IBICT/UFRJ).