Past Symposiums and Workshops Organized by or in cooperation with the ICIE (2002-2016)
ICIL 2016 7th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics: Broadening the Horizons of Information Law and Ethics – A Time for Inclusion, University of Pretoria, South Africa, February 22-23, 2016.
Workshop on Business ethics, Innovation and Mind-body Unification in Japan and East Asia What is making Innovation Possible Based on Ethics and Cultural Tradition in Japan and East Asia? Organized bythe Doctoral Program in International Advanced Japanese Studies (Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences), University of Tsukuba, Japan, JAEthics Research group on business ethics and cultural technological innovation in Japan and Asia. Supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, October 31, 2015.
Joint Symposium: Robo-Ethics and “Mind-Body-Schema” of Human and Robot – Challenges for a Better Quality of Life Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation and University of Tsukuba (Japan), January 23, 2015.
Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE) Fourth International Conference on Information Ethics in Africa “Cross-cutting themes for managing your digital life”, Kampala (Uganda), July 2-4, 2014.
Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Joint-Workshop on Privacy and Publicness in East and West “Life, Culture and Society in the Information Era” organized by ReGIS (Research Group on the Information Society, University of Tsukuba, Japan), Doctoral Program in International Advanced Japanese Studies (Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan) and the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE), University of Tsukuba, October 4-5, 2012.
Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE) 3rd International Conference: The Cheetah Generation’s Fast Track towards Social Media and Information Ethics in Africa, Kievits Kroon Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa, September 3-7, 2012.
ANIE Information Ethics Workshop in cooperation with SCECSAL XX Conference on Information for sustainable development in a digital environment. Nairobi (Kenya), 2.-3. Juni 2012.
The Chinese International Conference on Information Ethics, Renmin University of China (RUC), School of Philosophy, Beijing (China), Oktober 28-29, 2010. (Co-organized by the ICIE.)
Second Africa Conference on Information Ethics: Teaching information ethics in Africa – current status, opportunities and challenges, University of Botswana, Gaborone (Botswana), September 6-7, 2010. – The Conference is organized by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (USA), the International Center for Information Ethics, the University of Zululand, the University of Botswana and the University of Pretoria.
Netz.Ökologien: Zur Ethik des Abfalls im Zeitalter digitaler Medialisierung, zugleich: deutschsprachiges ICIE-Symposium 2010,Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar (Handwerkergasse Völklingen), Völkingen (Germany), July 2-3, 2010.
Changes of the Internet – Changing Information Ethics? Special Panel Discussion on occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the foundation of the International Center for Information Ethics @ CEPE 09 (June 27, 2009) – With: Rafael Capurro, Johannes Britz, and Makoto Nakada (Chair: Michael Nagenborg). – Charles Ess will not be able to take part in the discussion, but contributed a position paper to the discussion.
UNESCO Workshop on Information Ethics and e-Government in sub-Sahara Africa, co-sponsored by the Government of South Africa, in cooperation with the International Center for Information Ethics, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Pretoria, February 23-26, 2009.
Wandel des Internets – Wandel der Informationsethik?: Deutschsprachiges Symposium des ICIE, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 3-4, 2008.
African Information Ethics Conference: Ethical Challenges in the Information Age. Organized by the University of Pretoria, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, and the International Center for Information Ethics. Pretoria, South Africa, February 5-7, 2007.
INTERNATIONAL ICIE SYMPOSIUM 2004: Localizing the Internet: Ethical Issues in Intercultural Perspective, October 4-6, 2004, Sponsored by VolkswagenStiftung. Venue: Center for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany.
Proceedings: International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE), 2/2004
Localizing the Internet. Ethical Issues in Intercultural Perspective by Rafael Capurro, Johannes Frühbauer, Thomas Hausmanninger (Eds.), Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Bd. 4, Munich 2007.
Review (in German) of the ICIE symposium by Michael Nagenborg and Karsten Weber: Wer und wo bist Du, wenn Du über das Internet sprichst? (Where and who are you when you speak about the internet?). In: Information. Wissenschaft & Praxis (IWP) 55 (2004)8, 469-470.
II. ICIE-Symposium: The Digital Divide from an Ethical Viewpoint, October 3-5, 2002, Augsburg, Germany.
Proceedings: Vernetzt gespalten. Der Digital Divide in ethischer Perspective by Rupert M. Scheule, Rafael Capurro and Thomas Hausmanninger (Eds.)Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Band 3, Munich 2004
Videos (RealPlayer) in German:
1. Video 1 (11 Min., 38MB): Thomas Hausmanninger and Rafael Capurro
2. Video 2 (14 Min., 48MB): Johannes Frühbauer and Wolfgang Sützl
I. ICIE-Symposium: Conceptions of Information Ethics, February 28 – March 2, 2001, Augsburg, Germany.
Proceedings: Netzethik. Grundlegungsfragen der Internetethik by Thomas Hausmanninger and Rafael Capurro (Eds.) Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Band 1, Munich 2002
ICIE at ZKM: Forum: Internet – Ende der Aufklärung? (The Internet – End of the Enlightenment?). A podium with Wolfgang Coy (Humboldt University Berlin), Petra Grimm (Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart),Thomas Hausmanninger(Augsburg University), Rafael Capurro (Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart) and Christoph Pingel (ZKM, Karlsruhe), January 18, 2002, 8pm (in German). See also the ZKM-exhibition: CTRL [SPACE]. Rhetorik der Überwachung von Bentham bis Big Brother (Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother) by Thomas Y. Levin (Princeton University, USA).