
Rogério Christofoletti

Brazil - Advisor

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Florianópolis – SC – Brasil

Professor of the Department of Journalism and the Postgraduate Program in Journalism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. Member of the Ibero-American Network for Research in Academic Integrity (Red-IA) and researcher at CNPq.

Professor at UFSC and CNPq productivity fellow. He has written and organized 18 books and has over 150 book chapters and articles in national and international scientific journals, with an emphasis on ethics in communication and education. He has developed projects funded by UNESCO, DAAD/Germany, UOL, CNPq, Capes, EBC, ANDI and Fapesc. He is a member of the Ethics Working Group of the Forum of Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Literature, Linguistics and Arts (FCHSSALLA). He is a member of the Ibero-American Network for Research in Academic Integrity (Red-IA) and is part of the team of the project “Ethics in Research and Academic Integrity in Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Literature, Linguistics and Arts: Updating the Debate”. In 2023, he led the production of the UFSC Scientific Integrity Guide (2023), a publication that guides university researchers on research ethics issues.

NOVAIS, R.A. (Org.) ; CHRISTOFOLETTI, R. (Org.) . The Palgrave Handbook on Right-Wing Populism and Otherness in Global Perspective. 1. ed. Cham/Suíça: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025. v. 1. 480p .

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.. Credibilidade Jornalística. 1. ed. Florianópolis: Insular, 2024. v. 1. 200p .

CAMPONEZ, C. (Org.) ; CHRISTOFOLETTI, R. (Org.) ; SIMÕES, J.M. (Org.) . Jornalismo e qualidade no mundo de expressão portuguesa. 1. ed. Macau – China: USJ University Library and Academic Press, 2022. v. 1. 200p .

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.. A crise do jornalismo tem solução?. 1. ed. Barueri: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2019. v. 1. 104p .

CHRISTOFOLETTI, ROGÉRIO. Privacidad, Transparencia y Éticas Renovadas. 1. ed. Sevilha – Espanha: Egregius Ediciones, 2019. v. 1. 167p .

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.. Ética no Jornalismo. 1. ed. São Paulo: Editora Contexto, 2008. v. 1. 128p .

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.; BECK, A. A. H. (Org.) . Ética, Ciência e Conhecimento. 1. ed. Itajaí: Univali – Fapesc, 2006. v. 1. 231p .


CHRISTOFOLETTI, ROGÉRIO. Trust in Media and journalism credibility in the sea of misinformation. The International Review of Information Ethics, v. 33, p. 1-6, 2024.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.; FERRARI, J.N. . Instrumentos y prácticas de transparencia periodística: un breve mapeo.. Ámbitos (Sevilla), p. 157-170, 2022.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, ROGÉRIO. O que pensam os jornalistas brasileiros sobre a transparência das suas práticas?. REVISTA FAMECOS (ONLINE), v. 28, p. e40656-12, 2021.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, ROGÉRIO; BECKER, D. . Retos para la adopción de la transparencia en la agenda de ética periodística en América Latina. Sintaxis, v. 1, p. 1-20, 2020.

SPONHOLZ, L. ; CHRISTOFOLETTI, R. . From Preachers to Comedians: Ideal Types of Hate Speakers in Brazil. Global Media and Communication (Print), v. 15, p. 67-84, 2019. Citações:12|16

CHRISTOFOLETTI, ROGÉRIO. Percepções de jornalistas brasileiros sobre privacidade. MATRIZES (ONLINE), v. 13, p. 179-202, 2019.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, ROGÉRIO; VILLEGAS, J. C. S. ; VEGAS, X.R. . Accountability e transparência na mídia: o exemplo da Espanha para os países lusófonos. Mediapolis, v. 9, p. 89-100, 2019.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.. Padrões de manipulação no jornalismo brasileiro: fake news e a crítica de Perseu Abramo 30 anos depois. RUMORES (USP), v. 12, p. 56-82, 2018.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.. Privacy as an Alterity Problem Dimension: Analysis of Ten Journalism Dictionaries. BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH (ONLINE), v. 13, p. 90-113, 2017.

CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.. Ethical Risks, Informers, Whistleblowers, Leaks and Clamor for Transparency. BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH (ONLINE), v. 12, p. 54, 2016.

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