Ania Rosa Hernández Quintana
Cuba - Advisor
Universidad de La Habana
Havana, Cuba
PhD. in Information Sciences, Professor and Full Researcher, specialist in information organization, digital humanist, digital project manager and vice president of the Cuban Society of Information Sciences. She currently directs the Information Sciences Course at the University of Havana.
As a PhD in Information Sciences and professor in the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Havana, she has led the discipline of Information and Knowledge Organization, focused since 2015 on supporting the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, especially with regard to full access to information.
She is the founder and leader of the academic research group Digital Humanities and Information Sciences in Cuba (HDCICuba). The team is the first and only of its kind in the country, bringing together around twenty professionals from different fields and students from different courses and levels to participate in multifaceted digital transformation actions and to intervene digitally in the Cuban documentary heritage based on the values of participation, collaboration and transparency.
She is also responsible for the creation, planning and execution of web application projects with multidisciplinary teams that include web designers and architects, software developers and social communicators.
As vice president of the Cuban Society of Information Sciences and a member of Cuban civil society, she organizes actions to improve the use and social impact of documentary information professionals; designs awareness-raising experiences to recognize the global importance of information; works with other entities in the interest of the country’s digital transformation and supports access to information as a basic human right and an important tool for promoting the rule of law and guaranteeing other rights.
De las piedras a la nube: aprendizaje significativo y pedagogías digitales en el procesamiento de matrices litográficas habaneras. Páginas a&b. Arquivos e bibliotecas (Portugal). Serie 3 Nº especial CIIBERCID 2023(2024), pp. 102-112.
La condición postdigital: apropiaciones y resistencias en la investigación, la formación y los servicios de información. Revista Fontes Documentais (Brasil). 5(2022), Edição Especial: II ABM.
Humanidades digitales: experiencias, afectos y sensaciones.” Editorial. Alcance: Revista Cubana de Información y Comunicación (Cuba). 10(25), 1-2, 2021. ISSN: 2411-9970.
Marginalias del Che: Estudio de las anotaciones manuscritas en la biblioteca personal de Ernesto Guevara en La Habana. Ponto de acceso. Revista do Instituto de Ciência da Informação da UFBA (Brasil). 15(3), 2021: Edição especial – Organização do Conhecimento e Recuperação da Informação.
ANCORP: Procedimiento para la recuperación de información en sistemas de bibliotecas mediante grafos de conocimiento. Alcance. Revista Cubana de Información y Comunicación (Cuba). 9(23), 132-152, 2020.